Who knew that neckties had such BIG MOUTHS? Often the first speculation of a man's sense of style is made when his necktie is first noticed.
It is ofter said that this item of clothing "comes into the room almost before the man", and when they are tastefully suited, he will always be deemed smart because he knows how to recognize what is tasteful and even outstandingly so.
It either holds everything together with style and swagger, or everything just falls apart and looks out of place.
As to a ties color scheme, the predominate color of it should reflect some color in your shirt or jacket, or either be complimentary to both pieces. For example, a yellow tie with a blue blazer and a blue-and-white shirt.
If the necktie is a mix of 2 or more equally prominent colors, then at least one of them must reflect a color in the shirt or jacket, and the other colors must not clash with either piece (shirt or jacket).Neckties with 3 or more colors achieve their greatest effect when placed in discreet surrounding; the combo of a multi-colored necktie with a multi-colored shirt or jacket may very well be pushing it. Nevertheless those with great experience in matters of dress have shown that it can be done well if proper respect is paid as to which colors compliment and offend one another.
Without a doubt the best are made of silk and/or wool. When they are made entirely of silk they are more durable, resilient, and lustrous than other fabrics. Nonetheless, wool and cashmere ties pair nicely with flannels and tweeds in the winter, while linen, linen-silk blends, and Irish poplin (a mix of silk and wool) make superb ties for summer.